Friday, March 6, 2009

The Time is Ripe

The political atmosphere of the country right now is rocky. Obama is in office and people are waiting to baited breath to see how he is going to handle it. Meanwhile, the Republican party lacks leadership and unity. There is no single Republican who the party can really call the leader at the moment. McCain, while trying to lead, is too old for the party to gamble their future on; Schwarzenegger cannot legally be President so him leading the party would make no sense; Palin is just Dan Quayle with a ponytail and has likely already tanked her hopes of entering politics on a federal level. With a fractured party in need of some major healing, the time is ripe for a new, viable, third party to enter the arena. 

A professor of mine mentioned that previous third party hopefuls went about gaining viability and power in the wrong way. In the past Presidential candidates such as Ross Perot and Ralph Nader began at the top and ran for President. In order for another party to be successful in the American political system they need to start at the bottom and move up. The party would need to get representatives in congress long before hoping to get one in the White House. Electoral College votes are based on representatives in Congress, so logically, in order to get elected to the Presidency a new party would first need to be represented in Congress. 

Stay tuned for the political party I would like to see introduced, or even introduce myself!

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